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0 Cyber Cluster

Cyber Cluster

Where Cyber Security meets industry, innovation and talent.

We are an independent community that brings together cyber security companies, industry, academia and government to create an environment where cyber technology and innovation can thrive in Scotland.

Scotland is a pioneer in the cyber industry, with one of the most advanced cyber security education programmes in the world and an abundance of highly innovative cyber companies. Our cluster provides the capability, community and culture to drive the cyber industry forward. We connect talented cyber security minds with businesses seeking expertise, advice and services.

Our ecosystem of cyber security experts, businesses and academia have created new and innovative products and systems that are enabling and driving industry to reach new frontiers. We choreograph the relationship and community bringing together pioneering cyber companies with investors, industry and government creating wealth in Scotland.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build a connected cyber community across Scotland, to drive growth and innovation in the cyber security industry in Scotland and to support the growing skills pipeline and the cyber security skills challenges.

We also seek to build strong UK and international relationships to support the promotion of the Scottish cyber security community both in Scotland, across the UK and internationally.


Did you know?

We’re global pioneers

Abertay University in Dundee was the world’s first university to offer an ethical hacking degree and is the only UK university to offer a master’s programme in the subject.

We’re growing

The number of innovative and agile cyber security companies that call Scotland home is constantly growing. Over the last 5 years we have seen at least 10 new cyber companies per year being set up in Scotland and in addition to that increasing numbers from UK and International cyber companies establishing a presence in Scotland.

We’re educated

Scotland has the greatest density of universities in the world so there’s no shortage of talent to tap into.

  We’re competitive

Scotland comes out top for quality of living, business environment and skills when compared to competitors such as Manchester, Northern Ireland and Gloucestershire.

The facts

There are around 300 cyber securities companies who have a presence in Scotland.

These include

Approximately 50% of these organisations are Scottish companies headquartered in Scotland. Of these Scottish companies 46% of them are start-ups who have set up in the last 7 years.

The cyber workforce in Scotland has seen steady growth with 4.3% of core cyber security job vacancies being placed in Scotland in the last three years. The UK Cyber Sector Analysis report documents that the total UK investment made between the end of 2017 and end of 2019 was £968 million of which Scotland won £6 million of this, with a total of 14 investments being made.

Educating for a future in cyber security

Although we have a wealth of existing digital talent, we’re already upskilling for the future; our students are already learning about topics such as data security, digital forensics and ethical hacking.

By educating our youngest minds, we are building a nation that has informed citizens, informed businesses and informed organisations who can make the most of digital technologies and manage risks safely.

In Cyber Security? Join our Cyber Cluster today

If you are a Cyber Security company with a base in Scotland you can join us today.
Simply complete a quick and easy form to join and we’ll be in touch with news about events, opportunities and much more.


ScotlandIS Cyber works with many key partners and is a proud member of the Cyber Scotland Partnership, Global EPIC and part of the UKC3 board.

We work closely with Scottish Government supporting their cyber resilience strategic framework and action plans. We also work closely with Scottish Enterprise to ensure we collectively support and grow the cyber sector in Scotland.

As part of the Cyber Scotland Partnership and outwith this partnerships we would closely with the Scottish Business Resilience Centre (SBRC) and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) as well as many more.

Our key partners

Cyber Clusters

Wider Ecosystem stakeholders

Scotland is Cyber

Scotland the right place for Cyber Security

Scotland is a pioneer in the cyber industry, with one of the most advanced cyber security education programmes in the world and an abundance of highly innovative cyber companies.

We have created a unique environment that recognises the importance of cyber security from the highest levels in government to future generations who are still in the classroom.

Our cluster provides the capability, community and culture to drive the cyber industry forward. We connect talented cyber security minds with businesses seeking expertise, advice and services.
We have the talent, community and business making Scotland the right choice for cyber security.

Skills and Academia

The right talent for your business

As one of the most highly educated countries in Europe, Scotland offers a strong output of world-class, multilingual graduates.

Thanks to the dynamic mix of academic and vocational qualifications, Scotland has successfully embedded cyber skills into the curriculum, resulting in a holistic approach to scaling up our talent pipeline. The result is a cost-competitive and tech-savvy labour pool that has the famous Scottish work ethic at its core.

Educating for a future in cyber security

Although we have a wealth of existing digital talent, we’re already upskilling for the future; our students are already learning about topics such as data security, digital forensics and ethical hacking.

By educating our youngest minds, we are building a nation that has informed citizens, informed businesses and informed organisations who can make the most of digital technologies and manage risks safely.

Unique educational opportunities

Scotland is building a strong reputation on cyber research and training through our many universities which focus on cyber.

The number of students studying cyber security has doubled since 2015 with numbers going from just under 200 undergraduates in 2014 increasing to just below 400 undergraduates in 2019. Scotland has the 3rd highest number of students studying cyber courses when compared to other parts of the UK as the table below demonstrates.

Skills and careers

Our Cyber Community

We are an independent community that brings together cyber security companies, industry, academia and government to create an environment where cyber technology and innovation can thrive in Scotland.

Network. Collaborate. Grow.

How can joining ScotlandIS Cyber benefit you?

Network, collaborate and grow your business

Meet with other cyber security companies to share challenges, opportunities and experiences. Collaborate with other cluster companies and grow your business.

Attend events

We run a number of events you can network at and hear from expert industry speakers keeping you in touch with the wider industry as well as business advice and support.

Talent and business

We have an extensive network in academia who are creating the talent of the future. We also have a network of businesses looking for cyber security advice and support.

Investment, grants and growth

Keeping you in touch with what is available through innovation centres, accelerator programmes and grants

Scottish Cyber Directory

Providing a marketing opportunity for your business where industry refers to the directory for services and support.

Access to research and industry insights

We share with you our research and industry insights keeping you informed of all that is happening in cyber security in Scotland.

Shape the future of the industry

Through collective representation to the UK and Scottish government you shape and influence the future of the industry.

Join Scotland’s Growing Cyber Cluster

The best news is that it is currently FREE to join our Cyber Cluster. Simply complete a quick and easy form to join and we’ll be in touch with news about events, opportunities and much more.

Cyber Security Services for business

We connect talented cyber security minds with local businesses, SME’s and large companies seeking expertise, advice and talent.

Cyber security support, expertise and solutions

We have an extensive network of cyber security businesses based in Scotland who offer a wide variety of skills, expertise and solutions you can utilise.

Business directory

Check out our cyber directory for details of the cluster cyber security companies and their services.

Cyber Security Terminology Catalogue

We’re demystifying cyber security with this guide to some of the complex and technical terms involved, so you can understand the services you need.

Read more about the purpose of the catalogue in this blog from COO, Nicola Taylor, or view the Catalogue here.

Networking and events

Network, collaborate and innovate with the community and meet industry experts and speakers.

Looking for Cyber Security support?

Visit Scotland’s only cyber directory now!
We connect talented cyber security minds with local businesses, SME’s and large companies seeking expertise, advice and talent.

Search our Cyber Directory for the products, services and support you require.
Not sure what or who you are looking for? Check out our:

Still not sure? Get in touch and we’ll help you find the skills, services and products you need.

Cyber Companies register now!

If you are a Cyber Company with a base in Scotland register now to feature in our Cyber Directory. Simply tell us who you are, where you are based, what you offer and a summary of who you are. Feature in Scotland’s only Cyber Directory and make it easy for companies and industry to find you.

Looking for cyber security services and products?

We connect talented cyber security minds with local businesses, SME’s and large companies seeking expertise, advice and talent. Our eco system of cyber security experts, businesses and academia have created new and innovative products and systems that are enabling and driving industry to reach new frontiers.

Search our Cyber Directory for the products, services and support you require.
Not sure what or who you are looking for? Check out our:

Still not sure? Get in touch and we’ll help you find the skills, services and products you need.

Cyber Innovation

The cyber cluster is focussed on driving growth and innovation so is keen to support the cyber start-up community. We have a number of recurring and one-off events and projects targeted at offering cyber start-ups support, advice and an opportunity to network.

Cyber Innovation Clinic

This event provides a friendly space for start-ups to pitch to a panel of cyber and innovation experts. It’s a brilliant opportunity to get feedback, advice and insights from the experts. It’s your chance to put a new product, service or plan forward and get honest feedback on it before pitching it to an investor or customer.

Our panel of experts changes at each event but you can expect representatives from DIT, LORCA and also well-known names from the Scottish cyber ecosystem such as Peter Jaco, Jamie Graves and Bill Buchanan.

How often does it run?
2-3 time per year

Cyber Startup Events

If you’re a cyber startup and you want to hear from great speakers, have a chance to work with other startups and meet business experts then these events are for you! In our first event we welcome a large enterprise to share their story with you and tell you how they find their next partner business and what they’re looking for.

In addition ScotlandIS runs a series of events to support start-ups so there is plenty of support and advice available to you.

How often do they run?
The first event will be held in September/ October 2021

Additional resources for start-ups

Support Organisation / InstitutionDescriptionWebsite/Contact
NCSC For Start-upsIntended to support and scale-up high-potential high-growth companiesClick here
LorcaIntended to support and scale-up high-potential high-growth companiesClick here
CyLon Cyber security acceleratorClick here
Cyber ASPInitiatives to support early-stage ideas and individuals start and grow their own cyber security companiesClick here
Cyber RunwayNEW DCMS led cyber programme - covering new idea, start-ups and scale-upsClick here
Scottish Funding Council and Innovate UK (not Cyber specific)Fund to strengthen UK science and business innovation and take on the biggest challenges that society and industry face today.Click here
Royal Society (not cyber specific)The Royal Society provides a range of grant schemes to support the UK scientific community and foster collaboration between UK based and overseas scientists.Click here
DCMS Cyber ExchangeDCMS Cyber Exchange - register your company to ensure you receive updates directly and also to get your business onto the UK cyber ecosystem mapClick here

Ecosystem Development

We build communities through a number of means some of which are highlighted below. Our doors are always open and we are happy to make introductions and provide support and guidance where we can!

We are continuously connecting cluster companies with other cyber companies, the wider cyber ecosystem, other cyber clusters (UK and Internationally) and other tech sectors in Scotland.

Community Events

We run regular events covering

Cyber Specialisms

We are bringing together specialist groups together within the cyber community for example in the following areas:

The aim of identifying areas of specialisms within the sector is to enable the creation of sub-cluster communities focussed on specific areas of Cyber security. Bringing together organisations and academic research programmes based upon specialisms will increase the depth of discussions around a topic and identify any potential collaboration and knowledge share. The creation of specialism groups allows faster industry response to incidents whilst also highlighting areas of potential competitive advantage on the international market.

Scottish Cluster Ecosystem Alliance (SCEA)

ScotlandIS runs the Scottish Cluster Ecosystem Alliance which brings together 17 tech clusters across Scotland.

The aim of the SCEA is to bring together cluster managers or other key sector representatives from across the tech sector to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange between these sectors. There are many great programmes and initiatives being supported and driven by these organisations and the sectors they represent and the aim of SCEA is to ensure there is visibility across the many activities so that we can have a more joined up approach and thereby delivering greater impact and outcomes across the tech sector.

SCEA brings together representatives from across the tech sector such as fintech, space, mobility, cyber, data and many more.

UK and International connections

We can introduce to you the other cyber clusters throughout the UK or international cyber clusters should you want a friendly contact who can give you local advice and guidance on the cyber community in that location.

Ross Murray
Membership Liaison Officer

David Ferguson
Head of ScotlandIS Data

Speak to one of our team today

To find out more about our membership packages and to tell us more about your business

  01506 472 200

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